How can I stay fit and healthy without going to a gym?

 To lose weight, you first need to find what works best for YOUR body. Let’s be clear - people lose weight at different speeds. For some - weight loss is a matter of not snacking after 6 PM; others might not lose weight with vigorous training and clean nutrition.

For those struggling to lose weight - try different nutrition methods. Even though there’s no one-fits-all solution - from working in the health & fitness industry - I can tell that keto works best for most.

  1. Drink water contain in copper vessels in early morning.

Way to drink water in copper utensils.

Store the water overnight or at least for 4-hours to obtain pure water.

Health benefits:

  1. The mineral copper is also essential to our bodies and it can kill germ, cleanse our bodies, prevent cancer and reduce swelling.
  2. Despite the importance our body can not create copper. But we can fulfill our copper requirement by drinking 3 glass of copper utensil contained water.
  3. Boost heart health.
  4. Fight inflammation.
  5. Regulate thyroid gland and so on…

2. Basic body movements

Caution: Before performing these yoga poses make sure your bladder should be empty and all bowels should be evacuated.

Here are Some of my favorite basic Yoga poses which is sufficient for workout and makes you feel good and the best part is it’ll hardly take 15 minutes with proper rest.

  1. Uttanasana or intense forward bending ( Hold this position for 10 breaths)


  • Cures stomach pain
  • If you’ll able to hold this position for 2 minutes then you’ll definitely get relief from anxiety and depression.
  • This posture is best of the person who excited quickly


  • Avoid this asana if you have spine injury, knee problems, sciatica, heart problems, abdominals hernia.

2. Sarvangasana or Shoulder stand ( Hold this position for 10 breaths)


  • It rectifies disorders in ears, nose and throat.
  • Hair loss and premature graying of hair are put to end or controlled.
  • Diseases caused in and around groin( also called as hernia) area will be cured.
  • Menstrual disorders, frequent abortions, in women are also cured.


  • Sarvangasana must not be practiced during pregnancy and while menstruation.
  • Person having high blood pressure, slipped disc, spinal ailments, heart problems, cervical spondylitis, weal eye vessels, thrombosis, neck or shoulder pain, oversized thyroid gland, liver or spleen should avoid this asana.

3. Bhujangasana or cobra pose ( Hold this position for 5 breaths)


  • Decreases stiffness of the lower back
  • Increases flexibility.
  • Elevated mood
  • Improves menstrual irregularities.
  • Improves digestion


  • Practice this asana under the guidance of an instructor if you suffer from any of this condition: hyperthyroidism, hernia, peptic ulcer or intestinal tuberculosis avoid this asana.

4. Balasana or Child pose ( for 5 minutes)


It will makes your body calm and relax.


  • It is best to avoid doing this asana if you are diaheria or knee injuries.
  • Patients with high blood pressure must avoid practicing this asana.

3. Take bath after 15 minutes of performing Yoga. It will elevates your mood.

4. Food and nutritional part.

The food which we eat on our daily basis can ruined our dream to become fit because Indian food is fill with sugar, salt and fat. These foods are responsible for obesity, heart attack and diabetes.

So, what we should consume is…

  1. Chapati, green vegetable and any Lentils (dal)

2. Lunch should be mixed of carbs, protein and remember salads should be in large amount compare to rice and chapati.

3. In evening Oats (2 bananas, 6 almonds and other dry fruits according to taste) is a best food at that time.

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